My health is slowly deteriorating I can feel it, like today my ankels were Quite swollen I could tell cos my shoes where a bit tight on me, and all day I can feel my heart pounding and I took my pulse and it was 132 to which is pretty high for me now sine I'm on 95 mg for Beta blocker , and my breathing has just been horrible very short of breath very easily and at one time I was just sitting there and I started to get short of breath, I even thought about going up to the hospital today that's how shit I felt but my emotional well been can't take another doctor telling me no that's not whats wrong with you this is. There stupid doctors forget that every time some one comes up with something different wrong with me I'm not just another sick person that will get better and they will move on iv been in and out of hospital my whole life it effects my emotional self been told something different every time.
So I was in hospital last week I went in cos I felt like my shortness of breath has been really bad latly, so they did all there test and bloods as they do most of it was just the same old stuff they do every time bloods, ECG, ECGO ect but then I got to see this really good doctor he wasent good cos he knew a lot he was good because he was so honest and told me what he knew and told me what he didn't know and I would have to wait for Auckland and he even told me I'm probable going to here lots of different theory's form different doctors, but the basic of it is that my VF is not pumping as well any more and it's effecting the out flow of the blood and that the heart a mussel looks a bit thinker then it should he said it looks a bit like HCM ( what I had before transplant) so that's not very good, and he said that depending on how much fluid on board I have can effect my shortness of breath , so that's the 411 of it but I need to see Auckland to get any good answers to know for sure, I don't think there much they can do for it , but iv decided not to believe any doctor in till I hear it from Auckland them self .
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