Friday, September 20, 2013

How do i manage to put not one heart but two hearts into heart failure and im only 25

Well the good news is they found out why im getting shortness of breath but the bad news is it's not really the answer I wanted, I went to my GP she sent me to the hospital the hospital did there all there test as they do and the doctor said iv gone into mild heart failure so she put me on beta-blockers and furosemide, the doctor said it's caused by all the scar tussie from the past rejection.

I feel really bad because when I first had my heart transplant I felt so much better I was so stubborn I stopped taking my pills and decided I didn't need them and well that backfired on me I ended up in rejection, they pumped drugs in to me and I was better again before I knew it fast forward 4 and a half years later and now I'm having this  issue and I don't really have anyone else to blame but my self. I shouldn't really be putting this on here because I don't know who reads this and I guess I'd really dont want the world to know what an idiot I was when I first got my heart ,but I guess you can't change the past. When I first got my heart I was healthy like I'd never been before I had been sick all my life and all of a sudden I got this new life and all I wanted to do was everything and anything except what I was meant to be doing and I didn't care what the doctors had to say, it is different now of course I wouldn't dream of doing that now but it's too late to change the past.

O and I got a another tatoo a heartbeat and the number 214 because 214 is the number heart transplant in New Zealand .

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Studies hard health not so good

We'll I'm about 2 month into my early childhood now and it's so full on don't get me wrong I'm liking it but just so many assessment at once and some times i like i dont know this shit, so far iv passed everythink god knows how and im just going to keep at it and fouce on the end result i feel like iv put to much effect into my studdy so far to quit now.

And as for my health its been pretty shity later i had a really had flu witch im over now but i have been getting shortness of breath witch is reallyy getting to me i mean i had this heart transplant i findally got this new life this health and dam its like someone took it away from me walking to my car im runnig out of breath even the other day i run out of breath making my bed when i hd my heart heart transplant of the first thing i was so happy about was i could make my bed aagain without running out of breath, so i went to my GP about it my BP and HR were normal she sent me for bloods and chest x-ray they were normal she pretty much said to me she doesent know what it is , so i emailed helen the transplant codernator. she emailed me back and said its proable just the flu i had but email her back if it doesent go away.  i dont think it is cos the flu i had i ddint have couching running nose ect it was just high temps and aching body but any way ill give it a go and see if its just that my GP rang me back to see if i still had shortness of breath i told her yes she said she was gonna ring back in a week and see if  its still there so ill give it a chance and see if it goes away but if it doesent someone bettter do somethink about it, feel a little like im getting brushed of but ill give them there weeek or so before i start complamming and go back

And as for my mental been pretty shit latly too but i donrt think i will go into that one, dont know  who really read this and its not somethink i wont the whole world to know about.