I know this is not really transplant related but owell .
So me and Trish were driving up to Wellington for the weekend we were about 15 min out of Taihape and I started to feel tried I dozed of for a secon and started difting to the left Trish told me to turn the wheel bak quickly I did but turned it to much that I end up skipping across the road straight into the bank , it was one of the freakiest things ever , my car is a right off and I only had 3ed party .
I was so lucky there wasn't another car in the lane cos I would be dead even worst I could have killed someone .
Me and Trish where quit lucky we didn't have much damage just soft tissue damage witch is pain full but it will go and I got a huge seat belt burn in my chest witch is pretty painfull .
All I can say is thank god for pain killers .
I was in so much shock when I had the accident I can still see it now its replaying in my heart all the time it's quit freaky , I think that's put me of driving for a while .