So went to Auckland and asked them about my cough they said it was hard to pin point it to something but if it starts getting worst let them know and they will put me back on frusemide.
So went home a week or so later I went to Hamilton for a check up there an my kidneys wear back to normal by then and when I went to see my Hamilton doctor I was back in AF so he's going to play with my drugs and see if he can get me out of AF. He also put me back on frusemide as kidneys wear better and I had fluid, breathing is so much better been back on it even that I hate the drug just have to get someone to get me out of AF and get rid of my fluid and all will be great again, and Hamilton didn't know what my cough was either he made a few suggest like something to do with the way the hearts pumping.
In the mean time after all my appointments I was coughing so much I put my back out man was that painfull, I think it's come right now still A little tender but way better. I still have this mystery cough that no one can tell me what it is , iv had it for a good month now getting a bit annoying with it