My studys going really good only have a few weeks left of the course im doing now (pre degree course) witch i have pasted already as ou only need 50% of it to pass just have a few more things to hand in then im done, im so prond of my self for starting at it and not dropping out ok it was only 6 months but i dont care, and i had some really good marks on some of my stuff to for maths i got 81% on one test and 100% on another and for my two essay i got 87% on one and 76% on another all i wont was a past let another higher then that, never in my life have i had marks that high so im so happy.
Next tearm i start my Early Childhood withch i am worried about how i am going to handal it but at the same time its only one level higher then what im going now, so im just gonna get through it someone or another. I make have to put that xtra effect in then i normal person but i get there in the end so who who if im that much dumber then most people , that say you can do anythink to somethink if you put your mind to it right ? i so hope thats true.